Namebench alternative
Namebench alternative

namebench alternative

So it APPEARS that Comcast has a transparent DNS proxy running on my WAN. I connected my laptop directly to the gateway modem just to be sure. Off I went to the router config to see if it was something I had done. I tried a number of direct IP requests to random non-existent DNS servers with nslookup and dig. Please adjust your router configuration or file a support request with your ISP.' This means you cannot benchmark or utilize alternate DNS servers. 'Your router or Internet Service Provider appears to be intercepting and redirecting all outgoing DNS requests. When I ran Namebench I was immediately greeted with this ominous dialog box. I figured that way I could test several servers and determine the best source. So I turned to a tool that I have used in the past to determine the fastest DNS response for the various networks I administer at work. I figured it would have shown SOME measurable difference, better or worse. I thought, “Gee, Google DNS isn’t what it used to be.” So I decided to switch over to OpenDNS to see if that affected the response times. After further investigation, I determined that slow DNS queries were, at least, part of the problem. Over the past month or so I noticed that I was starting to get some serious lag during network requests. I also set the DNS server to forward non-authoritative queries to Google DNS, and set my DHCP server to hand out the local DNS to clients on the network. About a year ago, I set up a local DNS server to facilitate file sharing/VNC etc. While troubleshooting slow DNS response on my home network I came across this problem. Which responded to invalid DNS queries with a server hosting a branded search page. A practice they cleverly marketed as "Domain Helper".

namebench alternative

Spiceheads are more than likely familiar with the DNS redirecting that used to be standard practice on the Comcast network. There are also a number of charts and and graphs if you want to drill down into the numbers.Sorry about the lengthly post, but I felt like I needed extra verbiage to help suppress my blind rage.Ĭomcast has recently started playing with my DNS traffic, and not in the usual clumsy Comcastic manner. The results open in your web browser, showing you the first, second, and third best DNS options right up top.

namebench alternative

Depending on the number of test you run (you can set that), it will come back with the results in a few minutes. You simply load it up, hit the “Start Benchmark” button and let it do its thing.


Once you install it, Namebench couldn’t be easier to use. The program is available for OS X, Windows, and Linux, and the entire thing has been open sourced by Stromberg.


Thomas Stromberg, a Google engineer based in Belgium, created Namebench, a piece of software to find the fastest DNS server available for you to use. But one Googler has taken it upon himself to create an easy tool for testing DNS and recommending what you use with his 20% time.


The problem is that most Internet users have no idea what a DNS server is, let alone how to configure one, or test how fast it is. When Google launched its own DNS service last month, one of the main stated goals behind the project was speed.

Namebench alternative